
Living soils lab

Citizen science project on urban soil health

The Living soils lab is a citizen science initiative aimed at assessing urban soils health with a focus on desealed artificial ground and planted areas aiming to restore ecosystem services and enhance community health and climate resilience in Paris banlieues.

Impetus accelerator Les 4 chemins de la Terre

Citizen science Action research

Pantin (93) Aubervilliers (93)


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Chez Ginette

Résidence de programmation d'un futur tiers lieu

Parc Naturel Régional de la Forêt d'Orient Mairie de Mesnil-Saint-Père Région Grand Est

AMU Atelier participatif Programmation

Mesnil-Saint-Père (10)

Mai à novembre 2024

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Oasis public spaces

Action research program through the lens of gender and climate resilience

The project aims to support groups of women and residents of the Quatre Chemins neighborhood in Pantin in their appropriation of public space through a program of actions contributing to making the city more inclusive, shared, friendly, and climate-resilient.

Seine-Saint-Denis department City of Pantin Pas Si Loin Association Maison des Femmes

Research-action Placemaking

Pantin (93)

In progress

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Chaleur urbaine

Atelier d'exploration et de construction autour de la mitigation des îlots de chaleur urbains

Dans le cadre de l'Été au Pré, Umarell invite les habitant·e·s à partir à la recherche des îlots de chaleur de leurs quartiers munis de thermomètres infrarouge et de caméras thermiques. Une fois identifiés, les participant·e·s réfléchissent aux manières de mitiger les effets de ces îlots de chaleur à partir de constructions frugales, temporaires et circulaires. Accompagnés par le collectif Trombinoscop, les participant·e·s participent à la construction de dispositifs ombrelles en matériaux recyclés pour apporter ombre et fraîcheur aux lieux où elles sont posées.

Ville du Pré-Saint-Gervais Collectif Trombinoscop

Atelier participatif Sciences citoyennes Construction en réemploi

Pré-Saint-Gervais (93)

Juillet 2024

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Vélo-stand d'information

Concertation habitante sur la revitalisation du centre-ville

Umarell accompagne la ville de Pierrefitte-sur-Seine dans sa dynamique de revitalisation du centre-ville en nourrissant la réflexion urbaine grâce aux retours des habitant·e·s sur leur futur vélo-stand d'information.

Ville de Pierrefitte-sur-Seine

Concertation Co-conception Chantier participatif

Pierrefitte-sur-Seine (93)

En cours

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After the rain

Europan 17 Competition

The project's field of study is a fragment of the watershed of a coastal river - the Aygalades stream - rising in the north of Marseille. In this geography of "limits" within fragile ecosystems, we invite to a change in spatial scale, governance, time, and relationships between humans and non-humans, where the "health" of the watershed becomes the key indicator for the project.

City of Marseille Aix-Marseille-Provence Metropole EPA Euroméditerranée

Prospective Programming Urban Studies



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Abraxas' Map

Sound mapping workshop

How to navigate in a constantly changing neighborhood? What if it was through sound, the participants go in search of the most important sounds of the neighborhood to create together a sound map.

Bofill Good APES

Participative workshop Sound recording

Noisy-le-Grand (93)


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Quatre Chemins' map

Sensitive and participative mapping

In collaboration with the Neighborhood Community Center of Quatre Chemins and the Maison du projet, Umarell is creating a map of the neighborhood with, by, and for the locals. From newcomers to long-time residents, together we determine which are the notable, beloved, peaceful, or even secret places in the neighborhood.

Maison de quartier des Quatre Chemins Maison du projet

Participative workshop Storytelling



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Educational project around low-tech construction methods

L'Abri is a collective learning project around low-tech construction methods and artistic production. At the heart of the garden of the Tignous Center for Contemporary Art, in Montreuil, a temporary structure is built during participatory construction workcamps around ecological and bio-sourced materials (wood, cob, oiled canvas, and Swedish paint). Then L'Abri becomes the place for outdoor practices in the form of publishing workshops (stamp, marbled paper, cyanotype, bookbinding, and textile painting).

DRAC Ile-de-France Centre Tignous d'art contemporain

Low-tech design Participatory construction

Montreuil (93)

June to July 2023

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3D Render

Un trou dans la raquette

Research-action residence

In a research-action residence taking the form of a radio investigation, Umarell questions the future of suburban areas with the residents of the Beauminé neighborhood, in the Bordeaux metropolitan area. From fake real estate stands to large gatherings, the collective members, along with the inhabitants, weave a new narrative about surburbia and their ways of life.

Maison de l'Architecture Nouvelle Aquitaine - Le 308 Mairie de Saint-Médard-en-Jalles Scène Nationale Carré-Colonnes

Action Research Radio Investigation

Saint-Médard-en-Jalles (33)

May to September 2022

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The Bet of the Living

Europan 16 winning project - Douaisis Agglo

The Living Bet Project proposes a new vision of post-industrial territories in the mining basin: wealth is present in what already exists, as well as the local actors, wildlife, flora, landscape, hydrography, soil, existing infrastructure and buildings. The project also reflects on new forms of work, service exchanges, skills, time, and on the ability to involve and summon all human and non-human actors to redesign this transformation project in their image.

Douaisis Agglo

Prospective Programming

Flers-en-Escrebieux (59)


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The Old Post

Opportunities study on Viviers du Lac old post office

At the heart of the village centre of Viviers-du-Lac, the former Post Office occupies a central position in the village. As a pivotal building, it is at the interface of the historic square (town hall/church/school) and the contemporary village square (car park/school playground/park). In an overall urban context of demographic and economic growth in the municipality, and in the valley more generally, public and political attention is focused on the desires and needs concentrated in the village centre. Umarell's diagnostic mission consists of carrying out a feasibility study for a third place on the site of the old Post Office, as well as co-designing the political and public specifications for its implementation.

City of Viviers-du-Lac

Feasibility study

Viviers-du-Lac (73)


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Le Salon des possibilités

Mobile device for public space's interventions

Le salon des possibilités is a mobile and modular device that unfolds in public spaces. Its purpose is to create convivial spaces in unexpected places (building entrance, street corner...). As a neighborhood toolkit, the salon des possibilités is available to local non-profits and actors in the Quatre Chemins neighborhood in Pantin in order to carry out their activities outdoors: laying out mats on the ground, providing games and books, serving tea or holding self-repair workshops.

Participatory budget of the city of Pantin

Local development

Pantin (93)


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Totem zéro chômeur

Signalétique pour le dispositif Territoire Zéro Chômeur de Longue Durée

Comment faire porter à connaissance le dispositif “Territoire Zéro Chômeur de Longue Durée” auprès des potentiel·le·s bénéficiaires du territoire (chômeur·euse·s de longue durée, dirigeant·e·s d’entreprise...) et des habitant·e·s ? Umarell réalise une étude préalable au projet de conception d’une signalétique (totem) dédiée.

Est Ensemble Territoire Zéro Chômeur de Longue Durée

Études Enquête de terrain

Pantin (93)

En cours

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